I still can't believe it. I was never aggressive or belligerent. I never lost my temper or even raised my voice. When they asked me to leave their property, I left. When they asked me not to even touch the railing, I complied. But when a bouncer tries to order me off of a public bench on a public sidewalk, he has every right to go fuck himself; when an officer of the law does the same, I wanted that order on paper.
Rachel - what did you do to [PR]? PR - lol PR - long story Rachel - i hear there are handcuffs involved PR - there were PR - hold on, I'll grab a beer first Rachel - lol Rachel - drinking alone...oh no PR - hey, I've earned this one Rachel - okay dish Rachel - I cant wait any longer lol PR - lol I've heard that one before PR - I'm doing this at my pace Rachel - thats what she said PR - lol Rachel - fine but i get all the details PR - okay, so one of the AEPi alums had his birthday today at the Heart and Crown on Preston PR - I'm too broke to go drinking, but I figured I'd come over and give him my regards Rachel - and I take it this is where it starts to get interesting PR - you have no idea Rachel - :) Rachel - go on PR - so since I'm not drinking, I saddle up the loser cruiser and head to the Heart and Crown Rachel - ... PR - if I were to be drinking, I wouldn't take the car PR - but that's not relevant, so I'll keep going Rachel - lol and you mean boat O - boat Rachel - and do go on PR - so I find a parking space a few blocks away, and walk over PR - the place is packed PR - I find my friends, and there aren't even enough chairs for everyone at the table PR - we're outside, and half of us are just off the property across the little metal rail PR - so eventually I go over the rail to greet another friend who just got in from toronto PR - about a minute later, a bouncer comes up to me and says "Are you planning to come back inside?" PR - and I say "Yeah" PR - "Don't bother. You're kicked out." Rachel - wtf PR - I know PR - my friends were pretty stunned that I just got kicked out of the heart and crown for hopping onto the sidewalk over the rail, and they suggest I ask nicely to come back in PR - so I go to the bouncer, and I say "Look, I didn't realize what a dick move that was back there. Is there any way you can let me back in?" PR - "no." Rachel - ouch PR - yeah, but that's his right Rachel - Im gunna grab a banana...brb...keep talking though PR - np Rachel - lol and Im going to eat it...nothing dirty so dont even say it PR - so I go back to where my friends are, and just lean against the rail from the sidewalk side PR - about 5 minutes later, the bouncer tells me to go home PR - I say "Are you telling me that I can't be on public property?" PR - he says "get off this sidewalk" Rachel - wow he really had it out for you PR - so I ask if he can legally ask me to get off of a public bench and sidewalk if I'm not causing a disturbance? PR - and I was right PR - so he says to my friends, "alright, I can't kick this guy off the bench, but if any part of his body crosses over that rail, you're all kicked out" PR - "fine." PR - and that was the last time any part of me was within their property PR - so I stay on the bench and tlak with my friends PR - and when the waitress comes by, I ask to speak to the manager PR - she says that they're really busy, and that it oculd be a while PR - *couldc PR - *could PR - I tell her "don't worry, I'm not in any rush" PR - so after about 10 minutes or so, the manager comes up to me with the bouncer PR - I told her I was sorry about hopping the rail onto the sidewalk, and would if be possible to rejoin my friends on the other side? PR - she says no. their liquor license requires that they kick out someone who does that PR - which isn't unreasonable for her Rachel - yah but you were sober PR - not a fucking sip PR - but she was right on that point PR - her hands were tied, and I didn't have a problem with that PR - I wasn't going to argue PR - then she says, "if you're going to cause a problem, we can call the police" PR - I say "I'm not going to cause anything. If I can't come back in, then what I will do is stay on this public bench. I hope you don't call the police, but I'm not doing anything wrong. If you want to, that's your perrogative." Rachel - lol PR - so they leave, and I go back to talking to my friends PR - who are pretty amazed at what just happened PR - then Jeremy says "they're coming back with police" Rachel - LOL are you fuckig serious PR - I'm facing away from the cops, and I don't turn around. PR - I just ask how far away they are PR - "about 20 seconds" Rachel - omfg PR - so I keep talking to jeremy for about 20 seconds PR - from a public bench, on a public sidewalk Rachel - sober too PR - keep in mind, at no point in this evening have I had a drink, lost my temper, or even raised my voice PR - well, I had 5 drinks as soon as I got to sunnyside PR - but again, not relevant Rachel - lol PR - so I keep talking to jeremy until I feel the cop grab me my the arm from behind PR - he tells me to leave PR - I ask on what grounds PR - he says "tresspassing" Rachel - wtf Rachel - that is SUCH bullshit PR - I tell him that I'm on a public bench Rachel - leave it to the cops to take the side of the buisness PR - and that I have no plans to trespass on their property PR - and he says - and I'm not making this up - "you're in my city" Rachel - bastard PR - "you've got two choices: you can go home, or you can go to jail" Rachel - wtf Rachel - you CANNOT be arrested for that shit PR - I ask him if he's going to arrest me for sitting on a public bench Rachel - what an arrogant pig PR - so he says again, "you can go home, or you can go to jail" PR - I say "I'd like that in writing" Rachel - lol Rachel - o0o Rachel - you badass PR - so he says "hands on the railing. you're under arrest." PR - "here's your writing" Rachel - OMG Rachel - no wayy PR - way. PR - so he puts the handcuffs on, and my friends are just in shock Rachel - thats kind of hot though...Id like to be arrested lol PR - lol PR - my friend called me after to ask why I was grinning while getting cuffed PR - I didn't realise I was grinning Rachel - lool Rachel - omg I WISH i could have seen that PR - so he calls a squad car, (code 93 or something), and leads me to it Rachel - lol tell me more PR - sorry, back Rachel - but really that is pretty hot...you got arrested PR - so once we're out of earshot, he says "I'm going to tell you one more time. You can go home, or you can go to jail." PR - sorry, my bad PR - "You can go home, or you can go to jail and do this by the book" PR - I tell him "I haven't done anything wrong tonight, officer. I think I'd like to do this by the book." PR - so he puts me in the squad car and turns me over to the officer driving it Rachel - LOL Rachel - man I really wish i could have seen this go down PR - lol PR - I'm so pissed off at my friends PR - when he said "hands on the railing" PR - I gestured at them to get a fucking camera out PR - and they just stood there like idiots Rachel - LOL Rachel - fuck Rachel - that sucks PR - I wanted a picture of that Rachel - a picture would have been epic PR - a) because it would have come in handy in court O - and b) because it looks badass Rachel - omg yes Rachel - that would be a hot picture Rachel - i dont know what it is but anything related to jailtime= hot PR - sorry to disappoint you, rachel, but I never went to jail Rachel - lol you coudnt handle it PR - the second cop wasn't as big a dick. He drove me around the corner and said that I wasn't being held PR - I told him I'd like to get everything on the record anyway Rachel - I once found out a guy i found attractive did about 3 years in jail..and it turned me on Rachel - lol Rachel - i take it he just toko you home then? Rachel - *took PR - no PR - after I told him. I said I wanted to be given the breathalyzer test Rachel - good. PR - I hadn't had anyhting to drink PR - but that car didn't have a test machine PR - I asked if any nearby squad cars did PR - he said "it doesn't matter, you're not driving home, are you?" PR - and I said that yes, I was. PR - so he asks what kind of car I own, and where it's parked PR - when we get to it, he lets me out of the squad car, and smells my breath PR - which pissed me off, because I wanted an actual readout for the record Rachel - yah Rachel - that is SUCH bullshit! PR - then he unlocks the handcuffs and hands me a charge citation for trespassing Rachel - but a bunch of guys from your frat saw it happen...your a legend lol Rachel - whatttt PR - yeah PR - I ask him how I go about disputing that in court PR - he says that the info's all on the citation, and that if I challenged it, he would testify against me. Rachel - jackass PR - once I got into my car, he drove off Rachel - he wasnt even there PR - I checked the 20 messages I'd gotten in the 10 minutes since I got arrested, then came back here Rachel - omfg that is bullshit Rachel - definately fight that PR - I will. Rachel - lol but [PR]...you got arrested Rachel - how hot Rachel - is that PR - hey, when I was asked to leave the bar, I left. When they told me not to touch their railing, I didn't. But when a bouncer tells me to get off a public sidewalk, he can go fuck himself. Rachel - oh definately PR - and when a cop does the same, I made him arrest me Rachel - that is such bullshit Rachel - lol Rachel - oh you badass PR - lol fuck off Rachel - lol PR - I'm way too irritated right now to deal with sarcasm Rachel - you may not find it great now but im sure its a story you will love telling PR - oh, you have no idea Rachel - and im serious that shit is hot Rachel - you got arrested Rachel - hott PR - lol PR - seirously though, apparently I was grinning the entire time Rachel - you would PR - I did. PR - so what did you do tonight? Rachel - I talked to Hani about how I got ditched for the black BBQ and then I tried to help him come up with a name for his team for guild wars PR - lol Rachel - they ended up with the same lame name they started with Rachel - and you know i had one of those days where i take forever getting ready only to get fucking ditched Rachel - im so pissed PR - I think the funniest part was when I was in the squad car PR - and I was crushing the cigarettes in my back pocket PR - now, you obviously don't reach into a pocket to grab an unknown object while in police custody Rachel - lol PR - so I ask, "Officer, I'm just going to reach into my pocket to move my cigarettes to somewhere that they won't get crushed" PR - so he says okay PR - then he asks "What's a guy like you doing smoking anyway?" PR - and I say.... PR - I know you've read my blog, so you probably know the answer PR - "shiny packaging and peer pressure" PR - sarcasm: not always the ebst approach PR - *best Rachel - lol Rachel - not with cops Rachel - its best to let them dominate Rachel - lol PR - whatever, I got their names. Rachel - good PR - I'm not going to go home because a cop threatens to arrest me. not if I haven't broken a law Rachel - fuck that is so messed up Rachel - but still..hott Rachel - lol PR - lol thanks Rachel - how were their cuffs? PR - left some bruises, but otherwise not bad Rachel - damn Rachel - I want some of those PR - they feel the same as the ones I have, but they ratcheted them tighter than I do ...
This isn't some third-world junta. This is Ottawa! I realize how melodramatic this kind of thing is going to sound, but our society is based on the rule of law. A police officer is granted - rightly - certain authorities over other citizens for the good and welfare of society; but a badge is not carte-blanche to give orders arbitrarily under the guise of legal authority. I got arrested for sitting on a public bench, breaking no laws, and I fully intend to make a scene over this.
I'm not a petty criminal. I'm not a menace to society. I don't have a criminal record; christ, I've never been arrested before. And even if these things were not the case, I would still be in the right.
Crazy. Don't let The Man get you down.